Graduation requirements graphic


If you're seeking an AA, AS, AES, AFA, or AGS, you're required to complete an E-Portfolio.

需要帮助? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions about the E-Portfolio »

Download the E-Portfolio信息rmation Guide »

See sample 工件 to help you choose assignments to 使用 in your E-Portfolio »

These video tutorials are available to help guide you through the E-Portfolio process.

  • Why am I required to create an E-portfolio?

  • What goes in the E-portfolio?

  • How do I create an E-portfolio 和 upload 工件?

  • What do I upload to show critical thinking?

  • What do I upload to show effective communication?

  • What do I upload to show 信息 literacy?

  • What do I upload to show 信息 professionalism?

  • How do I turn on the E-portfolio?


批判性思维 is the thorough 和 ongoing exploration 和 analysis of issues, 的想法, 工件, 信息, 和 events to accept or formulate an argument or conclusion.

有效的沟通 is the ability to send 和 receive a clear message or idea appropriate to a context 和 audience to increase knowledge, 促进理解, or promote change in attitudes, 值, 信仰, 或行为.

信息素养 is the ability to recognize when 信息 is needed, 定位信息, 评估信息, 和 使用 信息 effectively 和 ethically.

定量推理 is the application of mathematical processes to reach solutions or conclusions 和 to underst和 the interrelated nature of numerical 信息. It is the ability to acquire, 分析, 使用, 和 represent numerical 信息 symbolically, 在视觉上, 或口头.

社会责任 is the ability to seek out diverse perspectives related to communal issues 和/or cultivate leadership 和 collaborative practices in the service of the broader community.


学生 who graduate from MCC are critical thinkers. They are able to do the following things at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder.

  • Combine stated truths 和 facts to make arguments 和 develop new 的想法
  • Interpret data 和 draw conclusions
  • Construct arguments supported with more than opinion
  • Recognize bias 和 act in ways that question assumptions


学生 who graduate from MCC are effective communicators. They are able to do the following things at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder.

  • Select from a variety of communication style based on the situation
  • 专注地倾听
  • Adapt to audience 和 context in professional 和/or personal interactions


学生 who graduate from MCC are 信息 literate. They are able to do the following things at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder.

  • Access multiple sources to provide sound evidence
  • Ensure 信息 is of quality 和 使用 the 信息 to accomplish an academic goal
  • Acknowledge where 信息 is coming from 和 whom it belongs to


学生 who graduate from MCC are professionals. They are able to do the following things at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder.

  • 言行诚实
  • Engage in courteous 和 culturally sensitive interactions
  • Present themselves 和 actions appropriately in professional environments (this includes in written form such as emails, in-person through timely 和 respectful interactions, 和 adherence to professional codes 和 st和ards).
  • Follow through on commitments.


笔记本Start building your e-portfolio in Canvas now!
