Software Application Design 和 Development AAS

Combine your creativity 和 computer know-how with a rewarding career in a growing industry.

MCC’s degree 和 证书 programs in Software Design 和 Development teach the essentials of front-end 和 back-end development, 结合编程, 数据库基本原理, UI/UX设计. You’ll learn to code in multiple languages, 包括HTML, CSS, JavaScript, 和Python, 和 gain the skills to keep up with the latest software development tools, 即使你毕业了.

Beyond the technical aspect of the curriculum, you’ll learn how to address business requirements of software design, 测试应用程序, 和 communicate effectively with stakeholders. 在你的顶点课程中, you’ll also get a chance to apply your skills by working on projects for a local business or creating a professional-grade personal project.

MCC’s program allows you to build on your skills by stacking the Back-End Development, 前端开发, 和Web开发人员证书, earning credits that count toward your AAS degree. Additional training is available in st和alone 证书s in iOS, 安卓, 和Python, which are also specialty subsets of the degree.

联系 (815) 455-8732 with specific questions about this program.




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第一学期 16学时

    课程列表 课程编号:英语-151 | SPE-151#3小时,草地- 167 # 3小时,prg - 105 # 3小时,为副总经理- 107 # 3小时,web - 105 # 3小时,mcc - 101 # 1小时

第二学期 15学时

    课程列表 课程编号:英语-151 | SPE-151#3小时,疯了-105#3 hrs,疯了-107#3 hrs,DGM-153#3 hrs,DGM-152#3 hrs

第三学期 15学时

    课程列表 课程编号:DGM-265#3小时,疯了- 155 # 3小时,疯了- 157 # 3小时,dbm - 100 # 3小时,Select a Math or Physical Science or Life Science Course#3 hrs

第四学期 15学时

    课程列表 课程编号:疯了-255 | 疯了-257#3小时,prg - 147 # 3小时,dbm - 110 # 3小时,选择通识教育课程#3小时,选择程序选修从GRA胜博发app, 疯了,PRG, WEB # 3小时



What you need to know about getting your Software Application Design 和 Development AAS (CIP 15.1204)

Total Software Application Design 和 Development AAS 成本s
成本 在地区 然而 州外 international
学费 $7,411.5 $20,078.15 $28,226.53 $28,226.53
额外的成本 $1,209.75 $1,209.75 $1,209.75 $1,209.75
项目总 $8,621.25 $21,287.9 $29,436.28 $29,436.28

What makes MCC's Software Application Design 和 Development AAS program better than or distinct from similar programs at other institutions?

  • MCC has gathered an advisory team of business leaders to guide the development of this program to ensure that the curriculum prepares you for today's job market.
  • 通过提供批判性思维练习, 演讲, 以及现实世界的经验, we help you develop the necessary technical 和 soft skills employers are looking for.
  • The program’s labs run the latest software for both 安卓 和 iOS devices.

How will MCC's Software Application Design 和 Development AAS program prepare me for my career or connect me to opportunities?

  • Turn your classroom knowledge into real-world skills through internships with local industry partners.
  • Guest speakers connect you to employers 和 provide insight into what it is like to work in the industry.
  • Faculty with industry experience help you explore career paths 和 be better prepared to enter the workforce.


Semesters to complete assumes students are taking a full-time credit load of 12 credits per semester (the minimum required for federal financial aid).

Proportion of students completing in normal time is the percentage of completers who earned the credential within the specified time of their first enrollment at the College.

学生 attending part-time or changing their program of study are two common reasons why they may not complete in "normal" time.

学费 和 fees are set by the 校董会. Prices for books 和 supplies are subject to change.

See additional information about international student costs.